Sunday, October 5, 2008

Finally starting to blog

Hi, My name is Ray Wampler and this is my first blog. Why would anyone want read a blog by me? There are a few areas where I have some expertise that other people might find interesting:
  • I've worked in the IT/Software industry for over 20 years for a variety of companies and industries. I keep up on the latest technologies and trends.
  • I've been in Toastmasters for 8 years, earning the distinction of Advnaced Communicator Silver and Advanced Leader Silver, and I'm currently working on my Distinguished Toastmaster.
  • I keep informed on a variety of topics including health and nutrition, travel, volleyball, business, and investing.

These subjects will hopefully provide a wealth of topics for interesting and entertaining blog posts. I plan to add to this blog on a regular basis, providing usefull information to my readers.


Ray Wampler

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